HOOT meets 6 times a year every other month starting in January, with a painting session following each meeting. HOOT also has additional painting classes throughout the year. Please see the list of classes under “2024 at a Glance” on the website. We will soon be posting the “2025 at a Glance”. We have our meetings and classes in our HOOT office along with using ZOOM.
To Join or Renew, the Membership form should be downloaded. Click the “Download Form” AND SAVE to your desktop or where you can find it. If you don’t have Adobe Reader or Adobe Pro on your computer, you should download that also. Then open Adobe and find where you saved the downloaded form and open it through Adobe. This will allow you to “sign” the form with an ‘e-signature’ and then you can hit “EMAIL” at the bottom of the form and it will be sent to the HOOT email.
Please note: you must use Adobe Acrobat Reader to take advantage of the full functionality of the electronic form. Your web browser will not allow the buttons to work properly.
To pay by credit card, select that option on the form. Once your membership form is received, an invoice will be sent to your email address for credit card payment. That invoice will guide you for secure payment processing via Square. Do not put your credit card information on the membership application. To pay by check, complete the form and print it. Mail check and form to the HOOT address on the membership form. DO NOT SEND CASH IN THE MAIL!